Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars selects emergency medical technicians, law enforcement and firefighter personnel to receive VFW Public Servant Awards. New this year, the dispatcher category has been added. Post Safety Chairmen are encouraged to submit a candidate for these awards to their Department Headquarters by Jan. 1. The Department must select a single candidate for each of the four awards and submit those to VFW National Headquarters by Feb. 1.

VFW National Emergency Medical Technician Public Servant Citation:

Any individual, who actively gives emergency medical treatment, provides rescue service or civil disaster

assistance as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to give emergency medical care, provide rescue and civil disaster assistance to our nation’s citizens.

VFW National Law Enforcement Public Servant Citation:

Any individual who serves in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with enforcement of the laws pertaining to their area of responsibility. This award does not apply to individual employed by private companies or security services.

VFW National Firefighters Public Servant Citation:

Any individual who actively fights fires as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to fight fires and give assistance to our nation’s citizens.

VFW National 911 Dispatcher Public Servant Citation:

Any individual who serves in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with providing the vital link

between callers in distress and emergency response teams by obtaining essential information to send the appropriate responders to the right location.

Criteria for these awards – Candidates must have demonstrated:

1) Recognition by their colleagues or those they serve.

2) Consistent excellence in the performance of their duties.

3) Consistent dedication to their official responsibilities over a period of years and continuous growth in responsibilities and skills within their profession.

Documentation required for all Candidates:

1) Public Servant Award Citation Post Entry Form

2) Nomination letter containing the candidate’s name, title, address, telephone and identifying the

award for which the individual should be considered.

3) Include justification outlining background in field, accomplishments and awards.

Deadline for Department submissions to National is February 1, to guarantee receipt for Department Convention presentations. If there are any questions email or call 816.756.3390 ext. 6287.

Post News

Important Info for Post8641 Members

988 Veterans Crisis Hotline

New number to make it easier to call for help or to talk.

NH Dept. Scholarship Awards

On Saturday January 14th the Department of NH held the Scholastic Awards and Banquet and here are the winners:

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Wishes the US Air Force a Happy 77th Birthday

WASHINGTON - On Sept. 18, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) will join together with our grateful nation in celebrating the birthd...

VFW Honors National Hispanic Heritage Month

WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to honor our nation's service members and veterans of Hispanic heritage f...



There is always a hot meal on Thursday evening provided by Past Auxiliary President Frank Clayton. Thank you Frank! - The meal is inexpensive ($3) and the cost is only to cover the cost of the food. If you cannot afford it just let us know.




There is a lot of information on this website. Please take a look around and check back often as events and information changes.


Keep up-to-date on how the VFW is working to improve the quality of life for veterans, service members & their families and the community.
No Once Does More For Veterans